Sarthak Misra received the Vici grant for developing magnetically-actuated robotic systems for advanced microsurgery.

  • Published on March 3rd, 2025

VENI • VIDI • VICI: Professor Sarthak Misra Awarded Prestigious NWO Vici Grant for Groundbreaking Research in Robotic Microsurgery

The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded Professor Sarthak Misra the highly prestigious Vici grant to support his pioneering research in minimally invasive surgery (MIS), with a focus on medical microrobotics. This significant funding will further propel the Surgical Robotics Laboratory (SRL) in advancing innovative technologies that redefine the future of surgical interventions.

Professor Misra’s team at the SRL has made significant breakthroughs in medical microrobotics. His Vici-funded project, MERCURY (Magnetically-actuated sensorizEd pRobes for robotic miCro-sURgerY), aims to revolutionize MIS by developing a magnetically-actuated robotic system for the precise delivery of diagnostic instruments and therapeutic micro-agents. By integrating ultrasound and fluorescence imaging for real-time feedback, the project seeks to pioneer novel clinical interventions, including on-site diagnosis and targeted drug delivery. By leveraging magnetic actuation, smart materials, and miniaturized sensing technologies, MERCURY will introduce next-generation intelligent medical devices with the potential to reshape the future of surgical robotics.

The NWO Vici grant further strengthens Professor Misra’s distinguished track record of research excellence. He has previously been awarded the European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant (2014), multiple ERC Proof of Concept Grants (2017, 2020, 2024), and the ERC Consolidator Grant (2019). Additionally, he received the NWO VENI (2010) and VIDI (2015) grants, underscoring his sustained contributions to the advancement of surgical robotics.

With the support of the NWO Vici grant, Professor Misra and his team will push the frontiers of minimally invasive surgical technology, with the potential to transform patient care and expand treatment possibilities.